Monday, September 8, 2008

Posta Prima Vera!

Which is Italian for first post!

And that's what this is -- a first post. Well, sorta.

See, I have this other blog at

The problem is that I mostly want to write about software. But I also have hobbies and a personal life and stuff, and I end up with this 80/20 split between software and personal posts.

I guess the site's identity crisis isn't a problem for my readers, because I don't have any, but it bugs me. I think most people reading the front page of (if anyone ever did, which they don't) would either get bored by the software stuff or annoyed at the irrelevant personal stuff.

I know I feel that way when I read the site, and it's my own writing for crying out loud.

Anyway, I've started this blog to be a place where I can write just about software. And maybe my other site will wither and die, which would be cool, since I have better things to do than maintain a Wordpress install anyway.

Speaking of which, this seems like a good time to kind of explain what I do (software-wise).

First of all, I write code for a living.

Like -- oh, let's say 70% -- of programmers around the world, I make my living with Java. And then make up statistics about how most programmers also have to use Java, so I don't feel too bad about it.

Non-professionally, I do have the occasional Java project, but I like to work in other languages because a) it's fun, and b) I don't want to get stuck thinking in Java (or any single language) all the time. I've toyed with a bunch languages in the past, but I think my current favorites are Python and Haskell.

Of course, I have all kinds of awesome opinions about software -- opinions that are always completely right, now and forever -- that I plan on sharing here in the future.

And that's that. Welcome to Programming Rob.

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